
The congresses organised by the International Association of Controllers (ICV) are prestigious, international events that attract distinguished practitioners from the field of management and controlling. Each year the congress is attended by a representation of several hundreds of top managers and controllers from all over Europe. Networking sessions and panels are a great opportunity to present oneself in front of this large audience. Contact us!

Partnership during the 19th CIA Congress consists of four partnership programmes:

  • Golden Content Partner
  • Silver Content Partner
  • Bronze Content Partner
  • Exhibitor

Do you need more information about cooperation during the 15th Controlling Intelligence Adventure Congress?

Contact us!

Maja Kramer,
Board Member, Akademia Controllingu Sp. z o.o.

Akademia Controllingu Sp. z o.o. (ICV POLAND)
ul. Towarowa 35/403A
61-896 Poznań

Tel.: (61) 852 33 53

„ICV POLAND congresses organised by ICV are prestigious events which are valuable for promotion of your company and its latest achievements.”

Dr. Tomasz M. Zieliński
Executive Director at ICV POLAND