
See the accounts of the largest ICV POLSKA events for financiers and controllers
„ICV POLAND Congress is about interesting people and inspiring ideas”
dr Tomasz M. Zielinski
Executive Director at ICV Poland

17th ICV POLAND Congress (CIA 2023)

20 23
Speakers and panelists:
Prof. Dr. Rolf Hichert
Prof. Dr. Rolf Hichert
President of the IBCS Association, Partner of HICHERT+FAISST GmbH
Dr. Christian Kreuzer
Dr. Christian Kreuzer
Managing Director Controller Institut, Austria / Managing Director EY Austria
Dr. Marcin Mazurek
Dr. Marcin Mazurek
Chief Economist at mBank S.A.
Rafał Rudzki
Rafał Rudzki
ESG Director at Żabka Group
Łukasz Dylewski
Łukasz Dylewski
Director of Data Science & AI at KPMG
Szymon Szawerna
Szymon Szawerna
Director of the Cost Allocation Office at the Cost Management Department at SANTANDER BANK POLSKA S.A.

16th ICV POLAND Congress (CIA 2023)

20 22
Speakers and panelists:
Dr Rita Niedermayr
Dr Rita Niedermayr
Managing Director at Controller Institut Austria, Partner at EY Austria, Member of the Board at International Group of Controlling
Marie-Luise Lehmann
Marie-Luise Lehmann
Senior Manager Finance & Performance Deloitte Consulting GmbH
Stefan Tobias
Stefan Tobias
Partner Competence Center “Controlling & Finance” Horváth & Partners GmbH
Dr. Konrad Marchlewski
Dr. Konrad Marchlewski
Vice-President of the Management Board, CFO at the Atlas Group
Marta Wrochna-Łastowska
Marta Wrochna-Łastowska
Board Member, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Żabka Polska
Prof. UMK, Dr. Marlena Ciechan-Kujawa
Prof. UMK, Dr. Marlena Ciechan-Kujawa
Vice-Dean for Science and Cooperation with the Socio-Economic Environment in NCU
Paweł Kwiatkowski
Paweł Kwiatkowski
Director of the Controlling and Analysis Office at LOTOS Kolej sp.z o.o.
Remigiusz Kinas
Remigiusz Kinas
Director of the Project and Intelligent Automation Department, NEUCA Group
Alain Mulder
Alain Mulder
Managing Director Europe Operations, IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants)
Wojciech Wieronski
Wojciech Wieronski
CFO in the commercial sector (FMCG, Pharmacy, Electronics)