Dr. Tomasz M. Zieliński

„In order to successfully compete in the market, Polish companies have to put more controlling thoughts into their products and services, which must come from every person in the company, which will certainly translate into an increase in the competitiveness of our enterprises.”


Business expert, consultant and trainer with practical experience in the area of cost and profitability management, controlling, process management and business intelligence.


Executive Director of ICV POLAND (Delegate for Poland) – International Association of Controllers – ICV (Internationaler Controller Verein).


Chairman of the Board, co-founder at Akademia Controllingu Sp. z o.o.


Author of advanced Resource and Process Consumption Accounting (RPCA) concept, which is implemented in the large capital groups and enterprises from many production, commercial, financial and service sectors.


Author of the first complete book about the RPCA concept: Zieliński, T.M., 2017, Zasobowo-procesowy rachunek kosztów, Akademia Controllingu, Poznań, (967 pages).


Charismatic lecturer at universities, training companies and speaker at many conferences in the field of controlling, management accounting and Business Intelligence.

Dr. Tomasz M. Zieliński

Executive Director of ICV POLAND (Delegate for Poland) – International Association of Controllers – ICV (Internationaler Controller Verein).

Other speakers

Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler

Heimo Losbichler, Chairman of the International Association of Controllers (ICV)

Prof. Dr. Karsten Oehler

Chief Customer Advisor xP&A, SAP

Jacek Sitko

Head of Tranformation Management Office in Controlling Dept.

Prof. Jerzy Surma

Professor at Institute of Information Systems and Digital Economy at SGH

Dr. Magdalena Andrejczuk

Director of the Sustainable Finance Department for Corporate and Investment Banking at mBank

Prof. Roman Kotapski

Chairman of the Board, Management Accounting Office MARINA, Editor-in-Chief of Controlling and Management magazine.

Grażyna Sadowska-Malczewska

Managing Director at PKF BPO Sadowska – Malczewska.

Małgorzata Sobkow

Expert in Planning and Business Analysis at Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK)

Małgorzata Podskarbi

Member of the Board of the ICV, Director at Volkswagen Poznań


by Małgosia i Tomek